Faith Milestones

"Relying on Paul’s letters to the Romans and to the Galatians, Luther insisted that faith is key. His understanding of faith isn’t primarily intellectual (having the right knowledge about God) or emotional (how hard or how sincerely one believes). Instead, faith is relational: It’s a form of trust. We are justified through faith because faith alone trusts God’s promise of forgiveness for Christ’s sake."

Lutheranism 101


We believe that through the waters of Baptism, God comes to us to adopt us as His children. Through Baptism, God gives the gift of new life. We affirm the baptism of infants.

First Communion

First Communion is for baptized youth who are in the third grade or older. Class will be held October 14th & 21st from 5-6pm via Zoom Meeting. First Communion Sunday will be October 25th.

Invited to these classes are all children of our congregation age 3rd grade and older who have not yet been instructed in the benefits and meaning of Holy Communion. One or both parents are required to attend these classes with their child.

Bible Sunday

Each February or March our 4th graders receive a Bible from the congregation and participate in a session with the 4th graders and families to get to know their new Bibles. 

Signup to attend the February 23rd class at 11:15am. Bibles will be presented on March2nd.