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Church Council
Point-of-Contact: Howard Reese
Email: president@tierrasantalutheran.org
Member of the Executive Committee
Point-of-Contact: Steve Streightiff
Email: vp@tierrasantalutheran.org
Member of the Executive Committee
Point-of-Contact: Donna Burton
Email: secretary@tierrasantalutheran.org
Member of the Executive Committee
Point-of-Contact: Richard VanderSchaaf
Email: treasurer@tierrasantalutheran.org
Member of the Executive Committee
Fellowship Ministry
Point-of-Contact: Robin Holt
Email: fellowship@tierrasantalutheran.org
Social Ministry
Point-of-Contact: Rhea Fogg
Email: social@tierrasantalutheran.org
Worship & Music Ministry
Point-of-Contact: Vacant
Email: worship@tierrasantelutheran.org
Facilities Ministry
Point-of-Contact: Ed Holler, Facilities Team
Email: facilities@tierrasantalutheran.org
Education Ministry
Point-of-Contact: vacant
Email: education@tierrasantalutheran.org
Evangelism Ministry
Point-of-Contact: Ansley Sparks
Email: evangelism@tierrasantalutheran.org
Stewardship Ministry
Point-of-Contact: Doren Reese
Email: stewardship@tierrasantalutheran.org
Youth Ministry
Point-of-Contact: Jennifer Reardon
Email: youth@tierrasantalutheran.org